A World of Imagination


Take a journey into the world of Luka, a 12 year old with muscular dystrophy, who took was able to go on an imaginary adventure swimming underwater, playing basketball, skateboarding and doing much more with the help of photographer Matel Pelijhan (check out the rest of the photos and his work here). Muscular dystrophy makes Luka’s muscles weaker and weaker over time, preventing, Luka from doing many things including those activities pictured. Fortunately, that hasn’t stopped Luka! Luka was able to help direct the photoshoot, giving Pelijhan ideas about what kinds of adventures he would want to take. This gave him the chance to experience what it would be like to swim, skateboard and more, letting his imagination run wild. Check some of the inspiring and fun photos:




(Source Information: This is Colossal, Peta Pixel; Photos courtesy of the artist via Peta Pixel and This is Colossal )

Finding Their Voice: Young Carers Toronto

Young carers. They are the ones behind the scenes. Leaving home early from school to take care of their sick mother. Spending hours worrying about the well-being and future of their sibling with a special need. They are the strong ones, but also the forgotten ones. However, Hospice Toronto’s Young Carers Program is trying to change that. In an effort to give these youth a voice and to bond with peers who have similar experiences, they hold a range of events monthly to empower these youth.


Who are young carers? 

They are youth aged 5-18 years of age who are in a caregiving role for a family member with an life threatening/limiting illness, disability, and more. The list is endless. They may be providing practical care through household work or cooking, personal care by helping their family member bathe or take their meds or even emotional care, by trying to cheer up their family member and be “the strong one” .

How are young carers feeling? 

Many children may not actually know that they are young carers or may be unaware that there are other individuals out there experiencing the same thing. They develop mixed feelings as they may develop more independence and compassion but may also feel angry, lonely and sad. These children often don’t have time to just be “kids”.

What does Hospice Toronto do? 

The Young Carers Program helps meet the needs of these children through recreation, social, education and skill development programs. These programs provide these children with support from peers and gives them the opportunity to just be kids. All programs are free! One popular program is YCP S.I.B.S (Spectacular, Incredible, Brave Siblingswhere children have the opportunity to learn from other children who have a sibling with a disability and develop strategies to cope and support themselves.  Check out their other programs here.

What is important for parents to know about young carers? 

Larisa MacSween, Manager of the Young Carers Program, explains that “It’s really important for young carers to feel they have a voice and that they can express themselves. Communication is key and they should be encouraged to share their feelings and concerns with their family.” Further, she describes that Young Carers should be included and informed about their family member’s health and also should be recognized for the valuable role they play in their family. They should also be  given the opportunity to just be kids and have the focus on themselves!

What programs/events throughout Toronto can help my child get support? 

Hospice Toronto’s Young Carers Program: Become a member here.

Kerry’s Place – Autism Services:- Sibling Support Groups

Extend-A-Family: Youth Sibling Group – Central Toronto  

Check out stories and resources provided by Holland Bloorview Rehabilitation Hospital

*Information gathered from Hospice Toronto and Larisa McSween*

Book Review: It’s Okay to Be Different

Check out inspiring children’s author, Todd Parr’s Book, “It’s Okay to Be Different”!


All of us look different, talk different, and act different but sometimes it is hard for us to know that that is okay. Todd Parr tries to teach children and parents alike in his book that it is okay to be different. He explains that it is okay to talk about your feelings, to need a little extra help, to have wheels, and more! Our differences are what make us unique and make this world so much more interesting and exciting to live in. Through vibrant colours and wonderful drawings, Todd Parr helps make this message clear. Check out this live reading of the book!



The Share Space is continuously working to ensure that we are providing the best resources for YOU! If you have any suggestions about any resources and content that you would like to see on the website please let us know! Whether you want to see more activity ideas, more inspirational videos or anything else that you see fit, we want to know! Email sharespacesuggestions@gmail.com to give your input! 

Book Review: The Black Book of Colours

Check out the wonderful and innovative book, The Black Book of Colours by Menena Cotton and Rosana Faria! 

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Immerse yourself in Cotton’s and Faria’s world of colours in this new innovative book. Cotton and Faria introduce children to their colours, not through the “look” of the colours but through how they “feel”. In this book the pages are completely black with words written in white type and in brail. Children are able to experience the colours through their textures and through descriptions of how the colours “taste”, “sound” or “smell”. For example, when describing the colour red, the narrator explains that “yellow tastes like mustard but is as soft as chicken feathers”. This page features raised and textured drawings of feathers in order to give children the experience of soft yellow chicken feathers.  This allows all children with and without sight to experience books in a unique and exciting way.

Check out this reading of the Black Book of Colours!